November 5, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday November 5th

It is my favorite time of year, the season of giving thanks! What a perfect lead in to the season of celebrating the birth of our Savior, by focusing on our blessings and feeling gratitude for all that we have. So, with that in mind, it is time to participate in HAPPY Homemaker Monday. See Sandra's blog for more Happy Homemaker posts.

The Weather
Brrr! But I am NOT complaining! It is in the 40's today and not rising, but it is sunny and hurricane free, so I will take it!

Right Now I am
I admit it, I just got up. After teaching seminary and bringing my kids to school, I came home and went right back to bed. So now I have to get going with laundry and tidying up. 

About all of the people living around me in horrible conditions. We have friends that are from Long Island and still have family living there. Besides no electricity, the sewers are not working, and schools will be closed for the rest of the year! Their first priority for restoring power is to the schools - just so they can send the student transcripts off so they can transfer to a different school. And, they have to drive to a different state to buy gasoline for their generators. I am so thankful that the Lord protected us from these perils. Now I have to find ways to help those that are in need.

On My Reading Pile
Just the New Testament. We are starting Luke this week.

On My TV
Well, we finally were going to watch We Bought a Zoo, but found out the disc was damaged, so I reported it but still have to send it back. This week we watched the first four episodes of Glee on the computer. Now that it is on Thursday nights we cannot watch it due to our schedules.

On the Menu for This Week
Tonight four of us will be going to the fall sports banquet, so I do not have to cook tonight. I haven't planned out the rest of the week yet. First we have some leftovers to eat up.

On My To Do List
Laundry, seminary lesson planning, and taking my daughter for her annual physical.

What I am Creating
I have all the ingredients for making my own laundry soap (I spent Saturday sanitizing my washing machine - I have a front loader and the gasket gets mildew which is caused by the animal fats in the detergent and softeners, so I am going to make my own.)

Looking Around the House
A little bit messy! I need to clean off the kitchen counters. I still have my mason jars with the candles in them from the hurricane last week. Need to put them away along with some other stuff.

From the Camera
I thought I took pictures of the hurricane, but turns out I only took videos. But here is one of my oldest eating canned food and surrounded by lanterns and camping supplies:

On My Prayer List
Myself, my kids (especially the oldest above), and the hurricane victims.

Bible Verse
"And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief"  Mark 9:24

I love that this man recognized and confessed his lack of faith. I also love that he knew who to turn to to help him increase his faith - our beloved Savior.

Hope you all have a great week!


  1. I am so thankful you stopped by my blog Christy. I just read a lot of your blog and wow I have even more to be thankful for!!! I was telling my boys yesterday in our prayers how thankful we need to be for everything we have including, a roof, clothes, WATER, electricity, heat, food, gas, etc. I am so thankful yall are okay. My prayers continue for your family and all the east coast.

  2. I love that scripture! we are always so quick to point out others' faults and never want to recognize our own. we never want to admit that we might have unbelief in some aspect of our life. I'm glad your family is safe from the storm :)
