June 3, 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday June 3

Good morning. I almost do not want to participate today, feeling the blues big time as our family faces another setback. This time it is my oldest son. He lost his job today, and it is his own fault. He is very lucky that his boss is willing to give him a recommendation and even counseled him on what to say to a prospective employer. Right now he is applying at a couple of places in town.

But enough of that. It is time to put that on the back burner and take care of myself, so I am here and ready to go. See Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom, the host of Happy Homemaker Monday, for lots more inspiration!

The Weather
It has been a little tough lately. Hot and humid. Today is raining with possible thunderstorms, but it should finally cool down to the 70's and be sunny the rest of the week.

Right Now
There are laundry and dishes drying in their various appliances. There are still bags of my father's things all over my house. My seminary books and papers are all over too (we finished on Friday and now I have the summer off). The dog is sleeping downstairs and all I hear is the dryer going.

Of all that I should be getting done - isn't that what we are always thinking? And worrying about my son and what is to become of him.

On My Reading Pile
I am reading again! On my Kindle I am reading The Sisterhood by Helen Bryan.

On My TV
I think I have two more episodes of Glee to watch, plus we have The Iron Lady and What Dreams May Come from Netflix. I really need to cancel our DVD subscription with Netflix, we have had these movies for over a month.

What I Found While Surfing the Net
A Facebook friend shared this link:


A website with free audio book downloads!

On the Menu for This Week
Monday Leftover chicken and rice, peas and carrots
Tuesday ham from freezer, leftover kielbasa, mashed potatoes, green beans
Wednesday pasta, salad, garlic bread
Thursday bbq chicken, roasted potatoes, salad
Friday homemade soups from freezer
Saturday potluck adoption party - don't know what I will bring yet
Sunday Huge family picnic at my sister's house. I am bringing macaroni salad and baked beans

On My To Do List
List making and grocery shopping, laundry, organizing, pick up kids from school, heat up dinner, bring youngest to piano.

Looking Forward To This Week
Quite honestly, for it to be over.  I do not like having so much to do and feeling like life is moving faster than I am able to keep up. The social activities this weekend would be wonderful if there was just one (and if I were not so worried about my son), but I am sick of having to juggle everything.

Looking Around the House
Piles of stuff everywhere!

From the Camera
My grandparents holding pictures of their son Gene and his wife, my aunt and her husband, and seated on the floor is my father and his cousins (Dad is the one with his arms around the others).

 On My Prayer List
My son and other children, my mom, my husband and myself.

Bible Verse
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  Proverbs 3:5-6

This has been my favorite scripture since my son became mentally ill six years ago. This time I have no choice but to turn this over to God because I have exhausted all of my ideas of how to help him.

Have a wonderful week. Hopefully I will be back next week feeling a little more optimistic!


  1. Mondays have kinda become our regular meatball sub night. There is just too much to catch up on on Mondays to cook!

    Hope he finds something he can excell at.

  2. Sorry to hear about your son, unfortunately we all have to learn from our mistakes and hopefully this is a good lesson for him. Praying that he finds a good job and praying for you too :)
